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50 years of UNIX and the landing on the Moon - Jon maddog Hall
[OLF 2019 Keynote] 50 years of *x, Why is it important and where do we go from here?
Free open source | By Jon "Maddog" Hall
Borderless development via freedom culture: Jon "Maddog" Hall at TEDxBerlin
#EntrevistaTécnica - Jon "Maddog" Hall por Florencia Pulla
What a long strange trip it's been... and probably will be! - Jon "Maddog" Hall
Presentacion de Jon Maddog Hall en las 8º JRSL - Buenos Aire
Jon "Maddog" Hall
The 50th anniversary of UNIX and the day UNIX (almost) died - In 3D
KEYNOTE: What a long, strange trip it's been.... - Jon maddog" Hall"
Jon "Maddog" Hall - A Talk about Free Software
Jon "Maddog" Hall:Free and Open Source Software